Products Liability
Providing Nationwide Legal Guidance and Representation
Meyer Wilson’s Products Liability and Mass Torts team has experience representing countless clients who have been seriously injured by defective and dangerous pharmaceutical products, medical devices, consumer goods or who have been exposed to toxic and dangerous chemicals.
What is a Mass Tort?
A “mass action” or a “mass tort” allows thousands of individual lawsuits to be grouped together and, sometimes, resolved in an orderly fashion. Many of the mass tort actions brought across the country involve claims for injuries from dangerous or defective medical devices and pharmaceutical drugs. Other types of mass tort actions may stem from pollution and environmental accidents which release dangerous chemicals. There are even situations in which everyday household products, such as herbicides or even baby formula, turn out to have hidden dangers.
As with class actions, there is strength in numbers, and mass actions can hold large corporations, such as drug companies and device manufacturers accountable for the way their product injures, or even kills, unsuspecting patients.
An important difference between class and mass actions is that in a mass action, each injured person must file his or her own lawsuit. It is incredibly important that any person who thinks they have been injured by one of these products speak to an attorney quickly to make sure that their legal rights are protected.
Please call us today at (866) 684-4821 if you have questions or think you may have been injured by a defective product. We are here to listen and help.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Meyer Wilson difference?
How much does it cost to hire Meyer Wilson?
What types of cases does Meyer Wilson handle?
How do I get started with Meyer Wilson?