Meyer Wilson is currently investigating alleged Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) violations against Wells Fargo. If you received an automated call or unsolicited message from Wells Fargo, you may be entitled to $500 to $1,500 per violation. Meyer Wilson has experience handling alleged TCPA violations and related class action lawsuits.
The TCPA was enacted in 1991 to protect consumers against solicitors and telemarketers (for both debt collection and telemarketing purposes). Companies cannot call people unless they have their express written consent. Oftentimes, people who are on automated call lists receive multiple calls per day.
Some people even receive robocalls when they have no prior business or contractual relationship with a company. If your number was placed on an autodial list and the messages are from Wells Fargo, we encourage you to contact Meyer Wilson so that we can review your complaint.
Meyer Wilson represents people who have received unsolicited calls or texts and fights for their rights under the TCPA. The TCPA provides for damages of $500 up to $1,500 per violation, so if you have received or are receiving unsolicited robocalls or texts, contact Meyer Wilson today for more information.